Curriculum Guide
Welcome to First United Methodist Church’s curriculum guide! This document will help you plan for a Sunday School class or other small group. A summary of the guide’s contents can be found below. Please let us know if there are other ways we can help you plan for your class or group. We also encourage you to give us recommendations for new studies.
Guidelines When Choosing a Curriculum
The following questions are important to consider when choosing materials for a Sunday school class or small group study.
1. Is this within the wide spectrum of Wesleyan United Methodist theology?
2. Can a non-seminary trained person lead/teach/facilitate this study?
3. Does this study have the potential for moving people to deepen their faith journey?
4. Does it help us balance our offerings in seven areas of study: Bible-Based, United Methodism, Foundational, In the Wesley Tradition – Spiritual Discipleship, Topical - Life and Social Issues, Celebration and Theological?
Curriculum and Planning Process
1. View the First United Methodist (FUMC) Curricula list (see below) for materials that are currently available at the church for classes and small groups. Determine if one of these previously used studies will fit the needs of your group.
2. If none of the currently available studies from the FUMC Sunday School Curricula list meet the needs of your group, explore new curricular materials from Links to Resources We Recommend.
3. In many cases, you can preview new curricular materials before making a final decision for your group. The temporary preview process as finalize the search for a Christian Education Coordinator is:
• Order material(s) you wish to preview
• Pay for the material(s) using your personal credit card
• Preview the materials
• Return the materials by the deadline prescribed by the company (usually 30 days)
• Turn in any extraneous charges to the FUMC Office and/or Education Committee
4. To purchase new materials, contact the church office, the Education Coordinator, or the chair of the Education Committee.
Links to Resources We Recommend
Cokesbury – This is the retail and customer service arm of The United Methodist Publishing House and serves United Methodists worldwide as well as a broad ecumenical audience representing numerous denominations and independent churches. Search for “catalogs” to view the most recent materials for children, teens and adult groups.
The Thoughtful Christian -Downloadable lessons on a variety of topics that can be purchased as needed. Some lessons can be completed in one week and others can take several weeks. These are especially convenient if you need a quick replacement or filler in between longer studies.
Faithlink – Downloadable lessons on topical issues from Cokesbury. Another resource that is convenient to use in between studies. Though no longer published (the last issue was released Feb. 2021), many lessons are relevant today and show us how to connect faith to contemporary issues.
Adult Bible Studies – Quarterly publication (fall, winter, spring, and summer) that is Cokesbury’s most popular curriculum for adults.
Suggested Areas of Study & Links to Descriptions of Current FUMC Materials (hard copies of the materials may be found on the balcony floor of the church)
Bible-based Studies:
United Methodist Studies: Core Beliefs, History, Organization
Foundational Studies: Exploring What Being a Christian Entails, Historical Perspectives of Our Faith
In The Wesley Tradition: Spiritual Discipleship Studies: Studies on Prayer, Worship, Study and Fellowship
Topical Studies on Life and Social Issues: Putting the Great Commission to Work in Our Lives, Living Faith’s Journey
Celebration Studies: Experiencing Advent, Lent and Pentecost
Theological Studies: Discovering God’s Will, Examining Scriptural Passages to Reveal Greater Meaning, The Christian Faith: Beatitudes
Tips for Facilitating a Small Group
Helpful Articles:
So You Want to Start a Bible Study Group?
A Great Small Group Leader Does These 6 Things
Essential Elements of a Small Group
Tips from Long-Time FUMC Small Group Leaders
Questions or Concerns?
If you need help in choosing curricular materials, please contact one of the following:
First United Methodist office: 814-226-6660
Education Committee Chair, education@fumc-clarion.org